september 9, 2024

{ job search journal: september 2 to 8 }

tags: job search journal

weekly stats

  • applications sent: 4
  • interviews: 0
  • rejections: 0
  • github activities: 15
  • leetcode problems: 0
  • hiking miles: 0
  • exercise time: 3 hours and 21 minutes
  • words written: 3,497
  • books read: 2
  • documentaries watched: 0
  • items baked: 0
  • tech learning of the week: I did a lot of research into improving web page speeds for Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • non-tech learning of the week: I found a new collaborative writing platform called Ellipsus that I'm really excited about

pre-week journaling

The goals for this week are to make goals. I've got a bit of writing to do, need to update the websites I'm working on, and then make up a calendar for my job searching weeks.

thoughts for the week

I started the week off with some whirlwind school stuff, but got that under control. I also started the unpacking and laundry process after camping. The one thing I have not done (as I write this Thursday night) is go grocery shopping. I've mostly been eating snacks. That will have to change tomorrow.

As we plan for the next weeks, what are my priorities?

I need to be taking some type of class. I found out that the I have access to some financial assistance for training. Most of my options are degrees or bootcamps, which isn't quite what I'm looking for. However, there are a few options for more specific things like a C# class, Java class, or AWS class. I'm leaning towards the AWS class since that is an in demand skill and one I would like to know more about. I feel like I can learn new languages on my own. It will be a few weeks before I can do that though as I wait for approval.

I've also been wanting to take a class in data visualization in React and a class in GIS and mapping. I found a good class for the data visualization, so I might start there.

I have a few ongoing projects, like my volunteer work for Interconnected Collective and Roots of Possibility.

It's also time to work on my concert app again. I know I say that every week, but I'm serious this time. I'm planning a few new websites and projects as well that I'd love to get started with over the next few weeks.

And Leetcode. As much as I dread it, it is time for algos.

For my non-coding tasks, I need to renew my passport. I'm planning on going to some wilderness skills class and am thinking about signing up for a dance class. I also want to get back into some personal writing.

post-week journaling

final calendar

calendar sept 9.PNG

what I accomplished this week

As you can see from my calendar, I needed quite a bit of time for an existential crisis. From here on out, I'm going to try to schedule those further out in the week. Having one early on starts the entire week off wrong.

I did still manage to get back on track and do some job hunting work and some coding on my various projects. More than that though, I took a lot of time to map out what I want to accomplish over the next few weeks so I will ideally head into future weeks better prepared.

priorities for next week

No existential crisis.