august 5, 2024

{ job search journal: july 29 to august 4 }

tags: job search journal

weekly stats

  • applications sent: 5
  • interviews: 0
  • rejections: 1
  • networking events attended: 0
  • github activities: 37
  • hiking miles: 5.5 miles
  • exercise time: 6 hours 30 minutes
  • words written: 1434
  • books read: 0
  • items baked: peach pie and vanilla gelato with a burnt bourbon caramel ribbon, and bread
  • tech learning of the week: fade in on load and fade in on scroll animations with HTML, CSS, and JS
  • non-tech learning of the week: I really enjoyed the new documentary Mountain Queen about Lhakpa Sherpa

pre-week journaling

I'm going into this week pretty exhausted. It was a busy weekend, so I'm hoping to take it slowly this week. I have a few hikes planned and a more house cleaning to do. My tech focus will be website and app work. It's also time to bake a peach pie.

thoughts for the week

The first part of my week was taken up by running around and shopping for camping equipment. I got a temperature update for my backpacking trip with Historicorps to work on Anderson Lodge in Wyoming. We'll be in the Shoshone National Wilderness and it's going to be a little colder than I expected. Namely, lows in the 30s. My last sleeping bag is 15 years old, meant for a teenager, and probably only good to 50 degrees. I guess I can upgrade.

My roommate and I scheduled a sushi date to Wellness Sushi in Denver. All their sushi is vegan, which is fun.

sushi role topped with pink fish

I also headed out on of my favorite hikes in Colorado. Just west of Breckenridge, the Bowman's Shortcut Trail is a nice little 5 mile hike with incredible views. This time, there was also an entire meadow of wildflowers at the top!

juliane and a brown dog sitting in grass with mountains and trees in background purple and yellow wildflowers

In between the hiking and sushi, I've been working on a few websites. I'm part of Interconnected Collective, the masterminds behind the unofficial Lesbians Who Tech conference bingo game. I'm a front end dev responsible for the website. This week's focuses were on accessibility, analytics, and some code cleanup. A quick accessibility audit brought us up to 95 to 100 scores on Google PageSpeed Insights. I added alt tags to images and labels to forms and linked images.

I also spent some time working on a website for Roots of Possibility. We launched a few weeks ago, but it was time for the finishing touches. I added some CSS and JS animations to make page sections fade in upwards as users scroll down.

It will an accessibility and page speed audit as well.

post-week journaling

final calendar

calendar aug 5.PNG

what I accomplished this week

I started to get back into a routine of coding this week. While I still had a few days to hike and bake, I definitely made some time to work on projects.

That switch probably caused some anxiety. That was definitely there this week as well.

Taking time to talk with past students (including one that just scored an incredible job!) and old coworkers helped. It's something I'll watch for in coming weeks, and I think getting back into a routine of networking, applying, and daily coding will help.

best thing that happened

I made it to the Colorado Renaissance Festival, bought some fantastic things that I definitely don't need, and have a lot of inspiration for next year's costume.

juliane in a blue historic costume

I also made the peach pie.

priorities for next week

Next week, I have a bit more training for my Wyoming trip so I'll be heading out on at least one more hike.

I am also prioritizing the page speed audit and accessibility audits of the two websites I'm working on so that I can leave those in good shape while I'm off grid.