july 20, 2024

{ welcome to the job search journal }

tags: job search journal

I am open to work.

The market has caught up with the company where I worked and we've folded. After a year as a software engineer and teaching assistant at Rithm School, I am now looking for my next opportunity.


With my background in web development, teaching and training, and database administration, I'm choosing to focus my search on frontend engineering and technical support engineering roles. Know of one? Send it my way! Know of something that's not quite that, but the company is still incredible to work for? Send it my way as well! I have two years experience working, teaching, and learning full stack.

What is the job search journal?

Alright, personal advertisement done.

This blog has always been about my learning journey. In the very first blog post, I discussed my goal of learning in public. Now, a year on, I've learned quite a bit. I've also got an even better idea of just how much more I want and need to learn.

I've never been laid off before.

That's going to be a learning experience all in its own, I think. I'll be learning how to navigate Colorado's unemployment requirements, finding out how to structure a day and a week where I don't have a set schedule or task, how to live on a stricter budget.

I'm also still keeping up with my software engineering learning.

This journal is a tracking of all of it. I'm going to keep it primarily about software and job searching in the tech industry, but I may also link to some of my other blogs and writing projects for different learning. Yes, that's right. Not only can I build a React app. I can also give you the recipe for a phenomenal peach pie with vanilla ice cream with a burnt bourbon caramel ribbon.

Mapping out my job searching time

If you know me, this won't surprise you at all.

I am somehow going to by busier while laid off that I was while I had a full time job.

I've known for several weeks that this was going to happen. With several weeks to plan, I was able to come up with a lot of things I want to do over the next few weeks. Some of these are very important things. I need renew my passport and my house would benefit from cleaning. I need to finish up my RandomRhythms app.

But then, left to my own devices, I made a list that probably has over 60 things on it and the focus quickly deteriorated. For instance, I'm wondering if the next few months is the right time to write my screenplay on the Wright Brothers. I'm thinking about volunteering at the Colorado Railroad Museum to restore historic trains. I might drive around the Midwest looking for abandoned buildings.


All while continuing to job search, network, and work on my projects. I'm currently volunteering as a frontend engineer with Interconnected Collective, building a website for my roommate, and creating an app in Nextjs with a friend.